The Ultimate Seller Appointment System, designed by "The Investor's Coach," Erik Bee

Get The Ultimate Seller Appointment System & Close More Deals!

"Having everything you need on your iPad is a game changer!!!"

Purchase Agreement

Customizable Deal Analyzer

Offer Packet Templates

Property Analysis

close more deals

& get more listings!!

System includes:

  • All Cash Purchase Agreement

  • Sub-to Purchase Agreement

  • Owner Finance Purchase Agreement

  • Professionally Designed Credibility & Offer Packet

  • Deal Analyzer

  • Repair Estimator

  • Client Net Sheet

  • Asset Plan

  • Lead Interview Script

  • Seller Appointment Script

  • Step by Step Instructional Videos

  • And MORE!!

watch what others professionals say about our system:

close more deals

& get more listings!!



Analyze Opportunities More Accurately & Efficiently.


Close More Seller Appointments on the spot!


Profit With Less Stress & Cherry Pick Opportunities


Escape The Pain Of Walking Away Without A Contract


This is a game of efficiency so we can win back our TIME!

Feel good about what you are doing

Don't be the rip off artist, like all the others...

The Ultimate Seller Appointment System Master Class:

Step 1:  We’re going showcase how to get high-level results out of your deal analysis, and how to bring speed and efficiency to your rehab estimates all to plan your strategy effectively.

Step 2: We’re going to uncover the strategies that we use to build posture and give you a secret advantage in your market, whether you’re new or seasoned in this industry.

Step 3: We'll share EXACTLY what marketing strategies we're implementing for our own business to generate motivated seller leads, every single day. 

Step 4: We’ll expose you to the results of years of our own research and effort to showcase and teach you all of the tools we use everyday that win transactions, including the hidden advantage that closes deal after deal: cash offers, listings, and beyond. 

Step 5: BONUS 1x1 QUICK START Session, we will dive deep into leveraging the USAS in your business to create scale and best practices to close more deals, faster.

close more deals

& get more listings!!

This is what the top 1% of Real Estate Professionals use.

Experienced Agents & Investors are moving from 6-figures to 7-figures FAST using our proven USAS. New Agents & Investors are profiting windfalls above the competition, going form zero to 6-figures FAST. 

This is a tool to scale your business, too. Join now and and discover what your team is truly capable of.

The USAS is the ingredient that creates success: You'll close more deals in record time in their first visit with a seller!

read what other Professionals SAY ABOUT OUR SYSTEM:


Jecka StJohn, Coldwell Banker REALTOR

Being in a competitive market, the system worked perfectly. Building rapport is one piece of a listing appointment but being able to present & support my analysis to the homeowner on the spot, and sign the listing agreement right there, has given my total control of the situation and greater leverage .


Michael Foskaris, Vegas Home Buyers, Investor

Must have tool for every investor. I wish this was kept as a secret! I want to be the only investor in my market with the Ultimate Seller Appointment System. Technology is definitely changing the game and anyone left behind will not last with how fast pace we're moving .


Ben Jones, EyE Homes, Investor

This tool is an absolute game changer! Goodbye notepads and hello iPad. When Erik came to our office for a 3 day event, we did a seller appointment together. When he brought his iPad, I was a little bit skeptical on how well it would go. But after seeing it in action, and how easily and accurately Erik was able to take notes, analyze the property and quickly write up an offer packet in minutes with several options for the homeowner, I was SOLD on the spot and had to get one for my whole team. And since we recorded everything, I already had a training for them .


Ryan Scialabba, Flipping Pittsburg, Investor 

As one of the fastest growing companies and top producing investment firms in Pittsburgh, I am always in need of the latest systems to keep my team ahead of the competition. We needed to step our acquisition strategies up a level and Erik did just that by implementing his Ultimate Seller Appointment System for our whole team, alongside his years of acquisition knowledge after being a top coach at Fortune Builders .

close more deals

& get more listings!!

"As a Client of Erik Bee & Real Estate Funnel Systems, I'd be lost without the Ultimate Seller Appointment System. My business is growing fast, and I can only keep up because I have this system for me and my team!"

-Clint Bottoms , Vertical Investments

How Was the Ultimate Seller Appointment System Created?

"I have always been searching for and testing new ways to stand out as a broker and an investor. From the time I first started my real estate journey as an appraiser, I developed a habit to keep a giant notepad so I would be prepared to write down everything as I was on the job. Just as a I did when I was a broker and in my appraisal life, that detailed practice became part of my investor journey. But there was a problem: I ended each day with more admin work than anything, and it robbed me of time away from my family, friends & loved ones.

It wasn’t until one year, I was struggling to balance work and life with as a husband with two young boys, that I had an epiphany. At that time it seems that no matter how hard I tried to be prepared, I was missing something when it came time to close the deals, meeting with the seller. Often, the gap was easily identified: whether it was a credibility piece, a testimonial, info about my team, not having the right contract ready to be signed, proof of funds, comps, a net sheet... 

I got into this business because it was a family business, and I carry on the legacy for two reasons: It's what sustains my family, and I make a living actually helping people. However, not being prepared hindered both. I was finding myself in situations where either I would leave the appointment seeing another investor or realtor come in behind me to win the contract with them after having poured myself into creating a solution for their real estate situation - or often having the homeowner ghost me, not knowing what I did wrong... One evening in particular I remember losing a transaction because I didn't have the short sale documents I needed... I missed dinner, and I tucking my boys into bed, and came home to my wife, worried, upset, and waiting on me... it was at that moment I realized: all I had done was WASTE TIME! Not just that evening, but many others: I failed my family...

"...and it was at that moment I realized: all I had done was WASTE TIME!"

It was heartbreaking for many reasons

  • I need to close deals to support my business, teammates and family

  • It made me second guess everything I did. Was it the way I built rapport? Were my numbers off? Did I pull bad comps? Where did I go wrong?

  • And it hurt my confidence going into my other seller appointments.

As you can imagine, I was down on myself and desperate, but I knew there had to be a way to always be better prepared, create better analysis and look way more professional than the rest of the competition.

Heck, I even started caring around a scanner, printer and giant stack of contracts in the trunk everywhere I went, so I could always be ready to get a deal closed on the spot. But solution wasn’t good enough.

Then I was introduced to the iPad by a friend of mine. The iPad wasn’t new at the time and I wasn’t one of those hardcore Apple fans. But my friend showed me how they came out with a Pro version that had a major upgrade of apps for work, and it had the pencil with the ability to take notes that were then able to be accessed from your desktop through their iCloud. Like I said, I LOVE taking notes everywhere I go and being able to have all of my spreadsheets and documents in one spot, easily accessible. At that point, everything changed!

"At that point, everything changed!"

I was able to find the perfect apps and workflow that enabled me to take everything I needed from my desktop to the iPad.

I Discovered How To...

  • Utilize the iPad to its full potential

  • The Apple pencil and 4k camera allowed me to easily take pics and efficiently write all notes during the walkthrough in my analysis spreadsheets and offer packet at same time

  • With certain apps at my finger tips, it allowed me to take my desktop spreadsheet and deal analyzer to the iPad to work remotely

  • ​AND above all, get the contract digitally signed on the spot and in the homeowners email inbox before I left 

Because I was introduced to the realization of the iPad, apple pencil and apps that were available, I was able to:

  • Close more deals and have a better property analysis while in front of the seller

  • Never walk away without closing the deal

  • Go into my seller appointments more prepared, look more professional and more confident with my numbers

It’s because of this amazing tool, I am confident in saying that it helped me schedule 300 seller appointments and close 98 of those in just ONLY 1 year. No doubt about it.

And that’s why I’m so passionate about sharing this amazing tool with you!You can become the top investor who closes the most deals, or the a top 1% agent with the most listings. More importantly, you can have freedom.


Are you  ready to create a business that truly THRIVES, closing deals with ease?

Get the INSTANT Download & Access to our USAS Master Class . This intensive training is valued at $4,997 alone, and will expose the secrets of how the top investors convert floods of motivated seller leads, and how to implement the "Ultimate Seller Appointment System", which includes:

Get The Ultimate Seller Appointment System NOW!

Don't forget, with this limited-time offer, you'll also get a BONUS Strategy Session with the creator Erik Bee

System includes:

  • All Cash Purchase Agreement

  • Sub-to Purchase Agreement

  • Owner Finance Purchase Agreement

  • Professionally Designed Credibility & Offer Packet

  • Deal Analyzer

  • Repair Estimator

  • Client Net Sheet

  • Asset Plan

  • Lead Interview Script

  • Seller Appointment Script

  • Step by Step Instructional Videos

  • And MORE!!

The value of the Ultimate Seller Appointment System is over $10,000... But, when you act now, I am giving you a special price for only $997!

Dear Real Estate Pro,

If you don't take action now, the next seller appointment you lose might be lost to another agent or investor who has already started with the USAS. Put the power of Ultimate Seller Appointment System to work for you, and get your time back, scale your business, and change people's lives for the better.

To Your Success,

Erik Bee

P.S. - Every minute you wait to get the Ultimate Seller Appointment System is another potential hour away from your friends, family, and loved ones. At least is was for me. 

P.P.S. If you haven't already decided to take action, scroll up, and watch the stories from other members of the Real Estate Funnel Systems family who have already experienced life-changing time freedom and business growth by implementing the Ultimate Seller Appointment System. I sincerely look forward to meeting with you and welcoming you into the family!

Get the Ultimate Seller Appointment System TODAY!

Realtors: More Listing Agreements Investors: More Closed Transactions

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